Memorial Day Hero Workout: Murph

Run 1 mile
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
Run 1 mile
Time: 33:40
First Mile: 6:05
PT: 18:57
Second Mile: 8:38

Didn't use any partitioning strategy other than sets of 10 pull-ups, 20 push ups, and 25 squats, not necessarily in that order. I just went by how my body felt and did set of each until I reached the numbers


Rest Day. Going to be out of town for the rest of the weekend for a wedding, probably won't be able to work out



5 x 200M Run
5 Rounds Cindy
4 x 200M Run
4 Rounds Cindy
3 x 200M Run
3 Rounds Cindy
2 x 200M Run
2 Rounds Cindy
1 x 200M Run
1 Rounds Cindy
Time: 30:14 with 20# vest. I'm going to make it my goal to do at least 1 workout a week in the vest. After my workout last week, I realized how much work I need running with weight on, and doing the bodyweight exercises will add strength. This wasn't quite as bad as I thought it was going to be. The pull-ups and push-ups were fairly easy, but I could definitely feel the added weight on the air squats. Running still needs work, I feel like I'm just plodding along



1: 3 rounds AFAP: run 400M, 20 x KB slasher (55#, 10 ea side), 10 x Goblet Squat (55# KB)
2: Work to 1RM Bench Press
3: 10 Rounds for time:
10 x Dead Lift (185#)
10 x Burpees
4: Chipper:
20 x Bench Press @ 90% 1RM
Row 2,000M
125 Push-ups
1. rx'd
3. WC - Time 16:32. The burpees definitely killed my time on this one. Was able to do all the deadlifts unbroken, but just felt like I couldn't catch my breath while doing the burpees

2. Work up to 1rm Bench Press: 210 (PR). Really impressed with this considering I haven't done ANY benching in probably 5 months
4. rx'd. 20 x Bench Press @ 185#
Ran a mile on the treadmill at 1.0 incline and 6min/mile pace, rower was broken at the Y.
125 push-ups


Team WOD, 5k Row

Team Workout, with a group of 3:
Sprint 200
15 DB Thrusters, 40#
15 Pushups
Sprint 200
15 DB Deadlift, 40#
15 Pullups
400m Relay
250 1-arm Snatch, 40#
1 person works at a time, the first 2 segments are done as a whole. Time 25:12

~10 minutes later

Row 5k
Time: 20:18. This was harder than I thought it would be. I never realized how uncomfortable the seat on a C2 was until I sat on it for more than 10 minutes at a time, but by the end I couldn't wait to get up. Over the last half, I tried to sprint for about 100-150 at a time every 500 in order to get my time down. Really killed it on the last 500


Squats, Oly Lifting, 7/7/7

Back Squats:
work up to 3x5 - 215

Full Clean:
Form work. Worked up to 165 with a lot of work at lower weights

Form work. Worked up to 125 with a lot of work at lower weights

Short met-con:
7 Wall-ball (20#)
7 Burpees
9 rounds. Maybe 10, I lost count. Did my best to keep moving the whole time, this workout is a killer though if you really go all out


Rest Day

Feeling drained. Pretty sore in quads and hamstrings. Might try some light rowing/running


Press, Christine

1. Work up to 1RM Press
2. 5x3 @ 90% 1RM
3. Crossfit Benchmark Workout: Christine
3 rounds for time:
Row 500m
12 deadlifts @ bodyweight
21 box jumps (20")
1. 125. Tied PR. Still not making much progress on the press, but at least 125 went up fairly easy this time. The top half of my press is my limiting factor, I don't have any problem getting the weight up to my nose or higher, but that's my sticking point. This definitely has carry-over to HSPU, as the bottom portion is my limiting factor there. Might work some top half presses in the future, or stick with HSPU
2. 5x3 @ 110#. Not too bad, the last set was pretty heavy
3. Time: 8:26. Really pleased about this time. Goal going in was under 9 minutes. I focused on maintaining strong, slow strokes on the rower which allowed me to catch my breath and recover for the deadlifts and box jumps. The first 500 was 1:52, and I think the others were also under 2:00



1. Warm Up: 30 minutes Frogman PT. Choose a variety of fast, full range of motion, body weight exercises with ROM drills interspersed
2. Work Capacity - For time, with 20# vest:
1 mile run
50 push-ups, 75 thrusters (75#), 50 push-ups
1 mile run
3. Durability: 4 x 2 minute plank holds. 2 x 100 4-count flutter kicks.
1. Assorted exercises for 30 minutes. Did sit-ups, GHD sit-ups, squats, lunges, pull-ups, chin-ups, dive bomber push-ups, back extensions, double unders, lateral jumps, etc.
2. ~38 minutes with 25# vest. This was my first workout in a vest and it was brutal. Running was difficult because the vest was shifting around. The first mile was around 8 minutes. First set of pushups was pretty quick, but I got crushed on the thrusters. With the tightness of the vest I felt like I was struggling to get full breaths. 2nd set of push-ups was pretty tough as well, because my shoulders were crushed. Last mile was REALLY slow.

This was a very humbling experience, but it showed me that I definitely need to supplement more of my workouts with added weight on bodyweight movements.


DL/Lunges, assorted skill work

early afternoon

Work up to 1rm Deadlift
95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315, 365, 385 (f), 365

5 sets of 3x315 DL, 20 weighted lunges (36#)

Didn't feel too strong on the deadlifts today. 365 went up somewhat easy, form felt pretty good. But 385 didn't even move off the ground. I didn't want to push it too hard so once I felt my back start to go I didn't pull anymore. Overall not too bad


Assorted Skill Work

Max burpees - 1 minute: 27
Max l-pullups: 12
Work up to 1rm front squat: 95x5, 135x3, 155x3, 185, 205, 225, 245 (f), 235 (f)
Max # push press (95#): 30
500m Row for time: 1:34.5

Pretty good session overall. I'd like to get 30 burpees eventually, and I think I could if I hadn't eaten right before...they were literally BURPees. Tied my PR on the front squat, and might have gone higher but I started losing my back stability at the higher weights, probably due to the deadlifts. I've got to check but I think this is close to my PR on the 500m row, I made the mistake of slowing up at the end thinking my stroke was going to carry me through the end, which might have cost me a little time, and I was definitely less tired this time than after my last 500, which is good. I was definitely going at a lower stroke rate, and concentrating on stronger pulls.