Day 1

First day of my Starting Strength program and GOMAD. The diet wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be, I just need to figure out how to spread the milk out over the day better, I ended up having to drink 3 cups before bed. Also need to add some more real food in, wasn't sure how that would go initially, but after day 1 I know what to change.

Weight: 154 lb

Diet for today was:
1: 2 strips of bacon, 4 eggs, 2 c milk
2: 3 c milk
3: regular turkey sub w/lettuce, tomatoes, etc. 1/2 cookie
4: 2 c milk
5: 2 c chocolate milk (pre-workout)
6: 2 c chocolate milk (post-workout)
7: 8 oz. ground beef, asparagus, 2 c milk
8: 3 c milk

SS Workout 1:
Warm-up: 1000m row - 4:30
Squat: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 135 - 1x5, 185 - 3x5
Bench Press: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 155 - 3x5
Deadlift: 135 - 2x5, 185 - 1x5, 225 - 1x5
Pull-ups: Bodyweight +25 - 2x7

Workout wasn't too bad. The squats were probably the hardest part, but my legs are just going to take a few days to get used to weighted squats, I haven't had them in my workout in a while. Probably going to be sore tomorrow, but I'm going to hit the foam roll a few times tomorrow so hopefully it won't be too bad.

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