Cindy 30

Cindy 30:
AMRAP 30 minutes of:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

33 rds in 30 minutes. Not great, compared to some other numbers I've seen put up on this workouts, but relative to what I've done previously this isn't too bad. If I remember correctly I got through about 23-24 rds in 20 minutes, so that's an improvement on my last rx'd Cindy, and then I stayed at around a round a minute for the last 10. Oh well, leaves plenty of room for improvement.

Going for a 2 a day tomorrow


Semi Rest

Really busy today. Spent the entire morning trying to get up the floor of the old gym which was glued down, turned into almost a workout in itself so I was pretty beat by the afternoon.

~3 miles easy (~8 min/mile)


Where Mind Leads...Body Follows

Warm Up: 800 M run. 4 x Dumb Bell Snatch Complex. 800 M run
Strength: work to 1 RM Snatch
Stamina: 5 rounds, not timed: 3 x SN @ 90% 1RM, 10 x burpee pull-up, 6 x sprint starts
Work Capacity: Fran+ - 15 - 12 - 9 for time:
Thrusters 115#, Dead Hang Pull-ups
1. rx'd
2. 125 (pr)
3. 3 rds @ 115# Snatch. First time doing burpee pull-ups, kind of hard to keep track of the bar, ended up swinging from one hand a couple times cause it was a little high. Liked the sprint starts for explosion practice
4. I think the time was 14:30. This was terrible. Not happy with the time at all, the thrusters crushed me.


Crossfit Total

1. CFWU, ROM drills
2. Crossfit Total:
1 rm Back Squat
1 rm Press
1 rm Deadlift
1. rx'd
2. Squat: 45x5, 95x5, 135x3, 185, 225, 245, 255
Press: 45x5, 75, 95, 115, 120, 125 (fail x 3)
Deadlift: 95x5, 135x3, 185, 225, 275, 315, 365, 385 (fail), 385 (fail), 385 (PR)

Total: 760

Overall not too bad. This ties my pr for the CFT that I got last time I did it, right after doing SS. I was really pumped about the deadlift, because this was a 10# PR over last time I did it about 3 weeks ago. I got the weight all the way up twice but just couldn't lock out my hips before I actually got it.

I'd like to get the squat numbers up a little bit, but with the amount of strength work I've been doing this isn't too bad.

The press is really disappointing. I haven't gotten above this in a long time, and haven't really progressed. Just the same as I've told myself before, I really need to add presses to my workouts on a regular basis, and stick with it.


Clean & Jerk, Hamstring Death

1. Jog 800m, CFWU, ROM Drills
2. Strength/Skills: Clean & Jerk
3. For time:
100 Back Extensions
200M Sprint
100 Box Jumps 30″
200M Sprint
1. rx'd. Adding the Armstrong pull-up program to my warm-up for a couple weeks. Today was 3 sets at normal grip, 3 narrow grip (underhand), 3 wide grip. Sets of 7
2. rx'd. 6x3 @ 95#. Strictly working on form, only using ~50% of 1rm
3. 9:20, using 36" box. This was brutal. The run after the back extensions felt like I was trying to control my fall. My hamstrings would barely move to pick my feet up. The box jumps weren't quite as hard as I was expecting, but I would have liked to get them done a little quicker. Need to work on chaining them together better, all I could get was one at a time, with a couple doubles.



1. “J.T.”
Handstand Pushups
Ring Dips
2. Immediately afterwards, 50 GHD Sit-ups and 5x200m sprint
1. ~12:35. This was a tough workout. Definitely a tricep killer. I didn't do full HSPU. Put 2 abmats under my head, and used them to judge depth. I think this is a good sub, eventually I'll take one out then both.
2. rx'd, 5x200 with 1 min. in between. Average time: 30.25s. Not too bad for doing a 100 out and back


Rowing/1 Arm Snatch

Row 1k
50 DB Snatch @ 40#
Row 750m
35 DB Snatch @ 40#
Row 500m
20 DB Snatch @40#
There was no rx'd way to do the snatches, but I did 5 at a time each hand then switched. Didn't remember to write the time down for this one. For some reason I'm thinking 16:something. But I don't think that's right because it sounds really slow. Row times were: 3:41, 2:53, and then I ran the last because all the rowers were full, so probably around 2 minutes. The workout was kind of messed up because there were more people than rowers, so we were waiting around in between the snatches.



1. CFWU, Burgener warm up
2. Snatch practice
3. Randy: 75 power snatches for time @ 75#
1. rx'd
2. rx'd
3. ~7:40. This was a pretty good workout. I've always heard bad things about Randy because of the high rep snatches and form breakdown, but I felt pretty solid all the way through. Going to have some sore traps tomorrow.


DL, Cindy Running Late

1. Work up to 1rm DL
2. Cindy Running Late:
On a 20 minute clock:
Max # Bodyweight Front Squats
Run 1 Mile
Max # Cindy rds (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats)
1. 45x5, 95x5, 135x3, 185x3, 225, 275, 315, 335, 355, 375 (PR). Really pumped about this. Last time I maxed on DL I got 365, and that was right after finishing SS, so to go up 10 pounds without really working on it is awesome, especially since some of my other 1rm scores have suffered slightly.
2. 13 Squats, 16 rounds of Cindy. Really pleased with the Cindy score. Last time I did this workout soon after doing SS I only got 19 rounds in the whole 20 minutes. After doing the squats and the mile, the clock was at 7 min, so I got 16 rounds in 13 minutes (which is on pace for 24 rounds). Hoped I could have gotten more reps on the squat, which I probably could have if I had done back squats rather than front squats. Overall a strong workout.


Active Recovery

5k at ~95%: 19:28.

I felt awesome today. This is a PR by a good amount over the past couple years, and shows that I've made a lot of progress on my running without doing many running workouts, just sticking with crossfit/sealfit and some CFE stuff.



1. Warm Up: Sand Bag Get-ups 10 minutes
2. Strength: Work to 1RM Thruster
3. Stamina: 5 Rounds: 3 Thrusters @ 85% 1RM. 6 HSPU. Sampson Stretch
4. Work Capacity: AMRAP 30:
3 x Power Clean (95 - 115)
3 x Hang Squat Clean
3 x Push Press
5. Durability / Awareness: Active Stretch. Breathing exercise - sit comfortably, eyes closed, and do a 10 minute breath cycle of: 6 count in-breath, hold 6 count, 6 count out-breath, hold 6 count.
1. Warm Up: Rx'd, with dumbbells, worked up from 20#-40#
2. Strength: Thruster 1rm = 155#. Not very happy with this, my explosion on the front squat isn't very good, because I think this is right around my 1rm for a push press as well.
3. 3 rounds as rx'd because of time. Used 135 for the thrusters which felt pretty good, and knees on a 24" box for hspu
4. 28 rounds @ 95#. Happy with this. Did rounds on the minute throughout the workout aside from a couple distractions that threw me off a bit, and each round was unbroken. I was struggling with the push press by the end of the workout.
5. Breathing exercise as rx'd. I really like the breathing exercises, I've been adding them in at other points in the day as well to work on breathing and to help with relaxation.



1. Warm Up: 40 Wall Balls, run 1 mile, 40 Burpees
2. Work Capacity: CF Fran: 21-15-9 Thrusters (95#), Pull-ups
3. Strength: Work to 3RM Back Squat
4. Stamina: Chipper: 15 xBS @ 95% 3RM, 50 x 1-arm Snatch (ea side, 35#), 50 x Slasher (40-55# KB or DB)
5. Durability / Awareness: 10 minutes Yoga. Plank hold 6 minutes total time, vary the plank (front, side on forearms and hands)
1. rx'd. Started at 10# on the wall balls for 10, then 14 for 10, and 20 for the last 20. Burpees were terrible as always
2. 4:20. Really excited about this. 3 minute PR from my last time doing this a month and a half ago. Shows how much progress I've made since I finished up the SS cycle and switched back to regular CF/Sealfit workouts.
3. Worked up to 215. Probably could have gotten more, but ran out of time, and a class started that used all the squat racks.
4. Wasn't able to do the squats because of class, but did the rest rx'd. Snatches with 40# DB, Slashers with 44# KB. This was my first time doing KB slashers, and they were pretty tough. Really felt it in the abs and obliques.
5. 6 minutes total plank. 1 minute each on elbows, front/right/left. 1 minute each on hands, front/right/left