Clean & Jerk, Hamstring Death

1. Jog 800m, CFWU, ROM Drills
2. Strength/Skills: Clean & Jerk
3. For time:
100 Back Extensions
200M Sprint
100 Box Jumps 30″
200M Sprint
1. rx'd. Adding the Armstrong pull-up program to my warm-up for a couple weeks. Today was 3 sets at normal grip, 3 narrow grip (underhand), 3 wide grip. Sets of 7
2. rx'd. 6x3 @ 95#. Strictly working on form, only using ~50% of 1rm
3. 9:20, using 36" box. This was brutal. The run after the back extensions felt like I was trying to control my fall. My hamstrings would barely move to pick my feet up. The box jumps weren't quite as hard as I was expecting, but I would have liked to get them done a little quicker. Need to work on chaining them together better, all I could get was one at a time, with a couple doubles.

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