Where Mind Leads...Body Follows

Warm Up: 800 M run. 4 x Dumb Bell Snatch Complex. 800 M run
Strength: work to 1 RM Snatch
Stamina: 5 rounds, not timed: 3 x SN @ 90% 1RM, 10 x burpee pull-up, 6 x sprint starts
Work Capacity: Fran+ - 15 - 12 - 9 for time:
Thrusters 115#, Dead Hang Pull-ups
1. rx'd
2. 125 (pr)
3. 3 rds @ 115# Snatch. First time doing burpee pull-ups, kind of hard to keep track of the bar, ended up swinging from one hand a couple times cause it was a little high. Liked the sprint starts for explosion practice
4. I think the time was 14:30. This was terrible. Not happy with the time at all, the thrusters crushed me.

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