1. Warm Up: Sand Bag Get-ups 10 minutes
2. Strength: Work to 1RM Thruster
3. Stamina: 5 Rounds: 3 Thrusters @ 85% 1RM. 6 HSPU. Sampson Stretch
4. Work Capacity: AMRAP 30:
3 x Power Clean (95 - 115)
3 x Hang Squat Clean
3 x Push Press
5. Durability / Awareness: Active Stretch. Breathing exercise - sit comfortably, eyes closed, and do a 10 minute breath cycle of: 6 count in-breath, hold 6 count, 6 count out-breath, hold 6 count.
1. Warm Up: Rx'd, with dumbbells, worked up from 20#-40#
2. Strength: Thruster 1rm = 155#. Not very happy with this, my explosion on the front squat isn't very good, because I think this is right around my 1rm for a push press as well.
3. 3 rounds as rx'd because of time. Used 135 for the thrusters which felt pretty good, and knees on a 24" box for hspu
4. 28 rounds @ 95#. Happy with this. Did rounds on the minute throughout the workout aside from a couple distractions that threw me off a bit, and each round was unbroken. I was struggling with the push press by the end of the workout.
5. Breathing exercise as rx'd. I really like the breathing exercises, I've been adding them in at other points in the day as well to work on breathing and to help with relaxation.

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