1. Warm Up: 40 Wall Balls, run 1 mile, 40 Burpees
2. Work Capacity: CF Fran: 21-15-9 Thrusters (95#), Pull-ups
3. Strength: Work to 3RM Back Squat
4. Stamina: Chipper: 15 xBS @ 95% 3RM, 50 x 1-arm Snatch (ea side, 35#), 50 x Slasher (40-55# KB or DB)
5. Durability / Awareness: 10 minutes Yoga. Plank hold 6 minutes total time, vary the plank (front, side on forearms and hands)
1. rx'd. Started at 10# on the wall balls for 10, then 14 for 10, and 20 for the last 20. Burpees were terrible as always
2. 4:20. Really excited about this. 3 minute PR from my last time doing this a month and a half ago. Shows how much progress I've made since I finished up the SS cycle and switched back to regular CF/Sealfit workouts.
3. Worked up to 215. Probably could have gotten more, but ran out of time, and a class started that used all the squat racks.
4. Wasn't able to do the squats because of class, but did the rest rx'd. Snatches with 40# DB, Slashers with 44# KB. This was my first time doing KB slashers, and they were pretty tough. Really felt it in the abs and obliques.
5. 6 minutes total plank. 1 minute each on elbows, front/right/left. 1 minute each on hands, front/right/left

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