DL/Lunges, assorted skill work

early afternoon

Work up to 1rm Deadlift
95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315, 365, 385 (f), 365

5 sets of 3x315 DL, 20 weighted lunges (36#)

Didn't feel too strong on the deadlifts today. 365 went up somewhat easy, form felt pretty good. But 385 didn't even move off the ground. I didn't want to push it too hard so once I felt my back start to go I didn't pull anymore. Overall not too bad


Assorted Skill Work

Max burpees - 1 minute: 27
Max l-pullups: 12
Work up to 1rm front squat: 95x5, 135x3, 155x3, 185, 205, 225, 245 (f), 235 (f)
Max # push press (95#): 30
500m Row for time: 1:34.5

Pretty good session overall. I'd like to get 30 burpees eventually, and I think I could if I hadn't eaten right before...they were literally BURPees. Tied my PR on the front squat, and might have gone higher but I started losing my back stability at the higher weights, probably due to the deadlifts. I've got to check but I think this is close to my PR on the 500m row, I made the mistake of slowing up at the end thinking my stroke was going to carry me through the end, which might have cost me a little time, and I was definitely less tired this time than after my last 500, which is good. I was definitely going at a lower stroke rate, and concentrating on stronger pulls.

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