1. Warm Up: 30 minutes Frogman PT. Choose a variety of fast, full range of motion, body weight exercises with ROM drills interspersed
2. Work Capacity - For time, with 20# vest:
1 mile run
50 push-ups, 75 thrusters (75#), 50 push-ups
1 mile run
3. Durability: 4 x 2 minute plank holds. 2 x 100 4-count flutter kicks.
1. Assorted exercises for 30 minutes. Did sit-ups, GHD sit-ups, squats, lunges, pull-ups, chin-ups, dive bomber push-ups, back extensions, double unders, lateral jumps, etc.
2. ~38 minutes with 25# vest. This was my first workout in a vest and it was brutal. Running was difficult because the vest was shifting around. The first mile was around 8 minutes. First set of pushups was pretty quick, but I got crushed on the thrusters. With the tightness of the vest I felt like I was struggling to get full breaths. 2nd set of push-ups was pretty tough as well, because my shoulders were crushed. Last mile was REALLY slow.

This was a very humbling experience, but it showed me that I definitely need to supplement more of my workouts with added weight on bodyweight movements.

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