Day 32

Bodyweight: 173

Squat: 95 - 2x5, 135 - 1x5, 185 - 1x5, 225 - 3x5
Press: 45 - 2x5, 75 - 1x5, 105 - 3x5
Power Clean: 165 - 4x3, 2
Pull-ups: Bodyweight +25 - 4x5

This was a pretty hard workout. Overall, traveling as much as I have over the holidays has hurt my workouts. My progress has definitely slowed down, and I haven't been able to stay on GOMAD as well as I hoped. But starting today I'm going to be home for the immediate future so I shouldn't have any problems. My bodyweight has been increasing, but not as fast as I hoped. But I don't feel like I've put a lot of fat on, so I'm feeling pretty good about that. Over the month as a whole my progress on GOMAD has been better than I expected going in, with the exception of my press increasing, which hasn't really happened. But I'm sure it's just going to take time


Day 29

CFE Workout:

2 rounds of:
5 seconds on, 10 seconds off
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off
10 seconds on, 10 seconds off
30 seconds on, 10 seconds off
15 seconds on, 10 seconds off
25 seconds on, 10 seconds off

done at 7.5 mph and 12% incline


Day 22

Squat: 215 - 3x5
Press: 105 - 3x5
Power Clean: 160 - 5x3

Day 28

Finally got to get back into the gym today. Felt pretty good despite only getting 2 workouts in the past ~10 days

Squat: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 135 - 1x5, 220 - 3x5...Not particularly great. Didn't feel terribly heavy but my form didn't feel very good
Bench: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 135 - 1x5, 180 - 3x5...Same as with the squats, need to get back
Deadlift: 45 - 1x5, 135 - 2x5, 225 - 1x5, 260 - 1x5...This felt surprisingly good. Form was on point
Pull-ups: Bodyweight +25 - 4x4


Day 18

Squat: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 135 - 1x5, 220 - 3x5
Press: 45 - 2x5, 75 - 1x5, 110 - 1x5, 105 - 2x5
Power Clean: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 135 - 1x3, 155 - 5x3
Dips: Bodyweight +25 - 8, 8

Squats were extremely heavy, probably going to need to drop back down next workout and build back up. The presses were by far the worst though, didn't think 105 was too bad last workout, but this time I couldn't get up 110 without a bit of a push towards the end, and had to drop down the last 2 sets. For some reason this is just my worst lift, but that just means I've gotta work even harder at it. Power clean was difficult but not too bad, and the same with the dips


Day 16

Warmup: Armstrong Pull-up Program (Monday) 5x Max Reps
17, 12, 10, 10, 10(8, 2 kipping)

CFE Workout: 091214
90 seconds on, 90 seconds off x 6
Cover as much distance as possible in each of the 6 intervals

All 6 intervals done on treadmill at 10.0 mph (6 min/mile) and 2.0 incline.  1/4 mile (400m) per interval = 2400m total

Felt great in the gym, but this was a HARD workout.   Took probably a 3 hour nap this morning, I've been trying to get a lot more sleep.  I can tell a big difference in how I feel, not only in the gym but just generally over the course of the day.


Day 15

Workout 7

Squat: 45 - 1x5, 95 - 2x5, 135 - 1x5, 215 - 3x5
Bench Press: 45 - 1x5, 95 - 2x5, 135 - 1x5, 175 - 3x5
Deadlift: 135 - 2x5, 185 - 1x5, 255 - 1x5
Pull-ups: Bodyweight +25 - 8, 6(2)

Bodyweight: 162.5

Still gaining weight. Diet's been on point, eating a lot of food and getting the milk down no problem. Tonight's workout was great, other than the pull-ups, which have been giving me a lot of trouble the past couple workouts. The squats were tough but doable, the same with the bench. The deadlifts felt great. They were really heavy, but at the same time my form felt really good and I was able to get them up pretty smoothly, no hitching or jerking.

Got a full night's sleep last night, plus a nap this morning, and that also made a big difference in today's workout. Solid weekend of getting caught up on sleep and resting.


Day 13

Workout 6

Squat: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 135 - 1x5, 210 - 3x5
Press: 45 - 2x5, 75 - 2x5, 105 - 3x5
Power Clean: 45 - 1x5, 95 - 2x5, 150 - 5x3
Dips: Bodyweight +25 - 8, 8

Felt surprisingly good for this workout. Didn't get a lot of sleep last night and felt it during the day, but once I got into the gym I was able to get in a good zone and put up improvements on all my lifts. The press was extremely hard...this just isn't a lift I'm very good at, which means I really need to work at it. Other than that nothing was particularly hard. 210 went up easier today than 205 the other day, and the power cleans felt great now that I've re-read the chapter out of Starting Strength and have been focusing on my form more strictly. The dips were pretty hard too, but I'm chalking that up to being tired, and tricep/shoulder fatigue from the presses. We'll see how they feel next workout


Day 11

CFE Workout

Original Workout: 3 rounds for time: 1 min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 1 min off. Changed to 2 rounds of 4 intervals. 1 round running, 1 round rowing.

Round 1 (running, treadmill - speed, incline): 1 - 9.0, 2.0; 2 - 9.0, 3.0; 3 - 9.0, 4.0; 4 - 10.0, 4.0. Felt good through the whole workout, could have gone faster on the first few. I was trying to get a feel for how I wanted to do the workout.

Round 2 (rowing): Total distance, 1107 m. Still feel like I'm not going fast enough for how hard I'm working. Need to work on rowing form

Diet: good overall
Sleep: not enough


Day 10

Workout 5

Warmup: 5 min rowing (1040 m)

Squat: 45 - 2x5, 135 - 1x5, 205 - 3x5
Bench: 45 - 1x5, 95 - 1x5, 170 - 3x5
Deadlift: 45 - 2x5, 135 - 2x5, 245 - 1x5
Pull-ups: Bodyweight +25 - 8, 6(2)

This workout was HARD. Didn't get much sleep last night or take any naps or anything so I was pretty tired, but I did get all the weights up. The squats were harder than I was expecting, I think I tweaked my right quad a little on the 2nd set, but I'm going to foam roll it tonight and hopefully won't have any lingering issues. Bench was heavy as well, but overall it went up fairly easily, same with the deadlifts. The pull-ups were the most disappointing aspect of the workout by far though. I did chin-ups the first set, and got all 8 with difficulty. The second set I did pull-ups, and got through 6 before I had to drop down and wait ~10 seconds to loosen up. I'm not sure what the problem was, I just felt generally weak with the pulling.

My diet's been great the past few days. I've stuck with fairly strict paleo for all my meals, along with the GOMAD, and have felt great. So far on the GOMAD I haven't had any upset stomach issues like I've heard of others having. Overall it feels great, I've been a lot more full during the day and can see that I'm putting on mass.

Tonight I'm going to hit the foam roller and go to bed early, really need to get caught up on my sleep, especially after this workout. Tomorrow I'm thinking about adding in a Crossfit Endurance (CFE) workout, to keep up my cardio without losing too much of the progress I'm making on GOMAD.


Day 8

Workout 4

Warm-up: 1000m Row: ~4:45
Squat: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 135 - 1x5, 200 - 3x5
Press: 45 - 2x5, 75 - 1x5, 100 - 3x5
Power Clean: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 145 - 5x3
Dips: Bodyweight +20 - 2x8

Rowing workout: 20:10, 8 rounds (forgot to check overall distance...somewhere around 720m, average 90m/6 cal per round)

Got a lot of sleep this weekend so I felt really rested in the gym today. All the weights were hard, but everything went up fairly easy. Press was definitely the hardest, need to work on keeping my core tight during this so my back doesn't arch excessively. Felt good for the first 2 sets but as I got fatigued I could feel it arching more than I wanted. Power cleans went great. I've been concentrating on my form more than usual, trying to squat under the weight rather than opening my feet up more (what I used to do). This takes some getting used to but it definitely feels more natural and is easier to move the weight.

I'm going to practice my rowing some more, I feel like I'm working a lot harder than I should be for how hard/fast I'm going. Doing some research on rowing form the next couple days.

Bodyweight: 159 (up 5 pounds since last Monday)


Day 5

Workout 3:
Squat: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 135 - 1x5, 195 - 3x5
Bench Press: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 135 - 1x5, 160 - 3x5
Deadlift: 45 - 2x5, 135 - 1x5, 235 - 1x5
Pull-ups: Bodyweight +25 - 8, 7

I've been really surprised how easy its been to go up in weight every workout so far. Every workout has been hard, but at similar levels each time even with the increasing weight.

Bodyweight: 157 lbs
Diet wasn't awful, I was on the road part of the day so I had to eat some fast food. But based on my goals right now I don't feel too bad about that. As long as it's decent food it's not a big deal that I'm strict paleo or anything

Reading: Vanity Fair on Blackwater's Erik Prince

Day 4

The GOMAD is getting to be no problem. Today felt great both with the milk and the rest of my diet. Not really much else to report. Diet was 100% paleo today (well except for the milk of course).


Day 3

Long day today. Perfect timing on the GOMAD, it's really convenient while I'm working because I can just chug a few cups of milk whenever I get a little hungry.

Diet: fairly good, still training myself to eat more food
Sleep: 6 hours

Starting Strength Workout 2
Squat: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 135 - 1x5, 190 - 3x5
Press: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 3x5
Power Clean: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x3, 135 - 5x3
Dips: Bodyweight +15 - 2x8


Day 2

Today felt a lot better as far as the GOMAD goes. My timing was a lot better, and overall I felt full all day. This is a really convenient diet for me, because I can take the milk to work with me in a container and it provides a quick "snack" that I can grab during a short break. The workout plan is going to take some getting used to, I feel lazy not doing a workout/run/something pretty much everyday, so the 3 day/week schedule is a change.

Sleep: >7 hours +1.5 hour nap (need to get a better sleep schedule, more during the night and not rely on naps)
Body Condition: Got more sore in the glutes and hams as the day went on, but I foam rolled once earlier, and plan on doing it again before bed. Feeling a lot better