Day 8

Workout 4

Warm-up: 1000m Row: ~4:45
Squat: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 135 - 1x5, 200 - 3x5
Press: 45 - 2x5, 75 - 1x5, 100 - 3x5
Power Clean: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 145 - 5x3
Dips: Bodyweight +20 - 2x8

Rowing workout: 20:10, 8 rounds (forgot to check overall distance...somewhere around 720m, average 90m/6 cal per round)

Got a lot of sleep this weekend so I felt really rested in the gym today. All the weights were hard, but everything went up fairly easy. Press was definitely the hardest, need to work on keeping my core tight during this so my back doesn't arch excessively. Felt good for the first 2 sets but as I got fatigued I could feel it arching more than I wanted. Power cleans went great. I've been concentrating on my form more than usual, trying to squat under the weight rather than opening my feet up more (what I used to do). This takes some getting used to but it definitely feels more natural and is easier to move the weight.

I'm going to practice my rowing some more, I feel like I'm working a lot harder than I should be for how hard/fast I'm going. Doing some research on rowing form the next couple days.

Bodyweight: 159 (up 5 pounds since last Monday)

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