Day 5

Workout 3:
Squat: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 135 - 1x5, 195 - 3x5
Bench Press: 45 - 2x5, 95 - 1x5, 135 - 1x5, 160 - 3x5
Deadlift: 45 - 2x5, 135 - 1x5, 235 - 1x5
Pull-ups: Bodyweight +25 - 8, 7

I've been really surprised how easy its been to go up in weight every workout so far. Every workout has been hard, but at similar levels each time even with the increasing weight.

Bodyweight: 157 lbs
Diet wasn't awful, I was on the road part of the day so I had to eat some fast food. But based on my goals right now I don't feel too bad about that. As long as it's decent food it's not a big deal that I'm strict paleo or anything

Reading: Vanity Fair on Blackwater's Erik Prince

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