Day 10

Workout 5

Warmup: 5 min rowing (1040 m)

Squat: 45 - 2x5, 135 - 1x5, 205 - 3x5
Bench: 45 - 1x5, 95 - 1x5, 170 - 3x5
Deadlift: 45 - 2x5, 135 - 2x5, 245 - 1x5
Pull-ups: Bodyweight +25 - 8, 6(2)

This workout was HARD. Didn't get much sleep last night or take any naps or anything so I was pretty tired, but I did get all the weights up. The squats were harder than I was expecting, I think I tweaked my right quad a little on the 2nd set, but I'm going to foam roll it tonight and hopefully won't have any lingering issues. Bench was heavy as well, but overall it went up fairly easily, same with the deadlifts. The pull-ups were the most disappointing aspect of the workout by far though. I did chin-ups the first set, and got all 8 with difficulty. The second set I did pull-ups, and got through 6 before I had to drop down and wait ~10 seconds to loosen up. I'm not sure what the problem was, I just felt generally weak with the pulling.

My diet's been great the past few days. I've stuck with fairly strict paleo for all my meals, along with the GOMAD, and have felt great. So far on the GOMAD I haven't had any upset stomach issues like I've heard of others having. Overall it feels great, I've been a lot more full during the day and can see that I'm putting on mass.

Tonight I'm going to hit the foam roller and go to bed early, really need to get caught up on my sleep, especially after this workout. Tomorrow I'm thinking about adding in a Crossfit Endurance (CFE) workout, to keep up my cardio without losing too much of the progress I'm making on GOMAD.

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