The Countdown, DL/T2B, Max Snatch

8 rounds for reps
On a 2 minute countdown complete:
200M Run
Max # Deadlifts / Max # Toes 2 Bar
1 min Rest
Coaches notes: Rx DL = 185/135, alternate between DL & T2B each round. Score = Total # Reps.
DL (27, 22, 22, 22) T2B (22, 21, 18, 19)
Total: 173

Tried to go semi-easy on the run so I wouldn't be toasted on the others, felt good on the deadlifts. Broke them up into sets of 5, ending with a max set. Grip was tired on the toes to bar, and I couldn't get a good rhythm so I had to stop my swinging pretty often. Concentrated on controlling breathing during the rests, and I think it made a really big difference.

Work up to 1RM Snatch
125. Tried a few times at 135, but I just couldn't mentally get myself to drop under it. Did a good amount of reps at 75-95 to practice dropping under it and catching the weight rather than power snatching it

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