Warm Up: 40-30-20-10 double-unders, weighted sit-ups (45#)
Strength: work to 3RM Weighted Pull-ups
Stamina: 15 x WPU @ 3RM, 75 x ring push-ups, row 2,000M
Work Capacity: AMRAP 20
3 muscle ups;
5 Thrusters (105#)
Durability: 3 mile run at moderate pace. Active stretch
1. rx'd. Did high singles for the 40-30-20, then tried doubles for the set of 10, took me 4 sets
2. 45
3. rx'd @ 44#. Skipped the row due to time
4. 6 total rounds + 3 rounds of thrusters. I was really excited to do this workout, because I've been feeling good about my muscle-ups. It was awful though. Almost fell through on the first round and I think it got into my head, shoulders just weren't feeling up to it.
5. rx'd after about 30 minutes rest. ~6:50/mile pace

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