Day 47

Started an "internship" at Crossfit Coastal. Basically just helping out with coaching/timing/whatever. Got a couple solid workouts in today.

Fran: 7:25

5 min AMRAP: 3x Power Clean, 50m sprint - 14 rounds

8 rounds for time: 250m sprint, 8 lunges (4 each leg), 8 box jumps (~28") - 13:17

Definitely can tell a negative difference in my metcon ability compared with before doing the SS cycle. But even with being in not as good a shape that way, I got a better Fran time just because of increased strength, which makes me feel a lot better. My limiting factor on this workout is by far still the thrusters though. I'm going to start supplementing my workouts with some 3x5 shoulder press once or twice a week

The AMRAP was pretty brutal, especially for being only 5 minutes, but definitely fun. This could be a great workout if expanded to 15-20 minutes...possibly with ~200m runs or something along those lines?

Last workout was a killer. The first two were pretty close together and the last one wasn't until this evening, but it was HARD. The runs in between lunges and box jumps (something i've never really done before) were killer. Legs were dead afterwards

Also got my first muscle-up today just messing around. Surprisingly it wasn't too hard, I think I was just limited by the fact that I hadn't had anything quite high enough to hang my rings from

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