Burpees, 1 arm snatch, DU

AMRAP 14 minutes:
7 burpees
14 1-arm snatch (40# DB)
21 double unders

5 rounds. This was completely because of the double unders. At least half of my time was spent jumping rope, and failing double unders. I'm going to add these in a little bit in my warm-ups, but at this point I'm not particularly worried about it. I've made such little progress since I've started that they seem like more skill work than actually providing any benefit to my workouts.


Thruster/Pull-up Ladder

With a continously running clock perform 1 Thruster & 1 Pullup the first minute, two Thrusters/Pullups the second minute and so forth…continuing as long as you are able to.

12 minutes, using 75# for thrusters. Stopped at the end of the minute rather than moving into the next round. Probably could have gotten at least 12.5, but I felt terrible, run down and sick. Need to rest up this weekend


1RM Press, Team Workout

1. 1RM Press: Worked up to 125#
2. Team Workout (with a partner): 12:24
4x200 each
100 Wall ball @ 20#, while partner holds a handstand. Switch at failure of either
100 Back Squat @ 95#, while partner does knees to elbows. Switch at failure

The press tied my PR, which was back when I was doing SS, so I guess that's a small plus. But I'm kind of disappointed I haven't made any progress since then. Press is definitely my weakest lift, and even though I've tried to add in some additional work, it hasn't made much difference. Need to add some more overhead stuff, not really sure what though.

Not sure exactly what the time was on the team workout, somewhere around 12:24. My overhead weakness got me on this one too, felt good in the first handstand, but collapsed the second time. Ended up switching over to holding 40# DB overhead


AMRAP Deadlift/Push-up (DLPU)

AMRAP 20 minutes:
1 Deadlift @ bodyweight, 1 Push-up: 162 @ 155

This was a tough workout. The quick turnover on the deadlift and push-up made it into what basically amounted to a burpee, but with weight. Initially tried to do 10 on the minute, and made it with this for the first 10 minutes, but died after that. Finished with 162 total reps. Not awful but I think I could do better next time


Max Snatch, OHS/Burpees

1RM Snatch: worked up to 120. Still don't have very good form on this, but it got better during the workout. Need to get more explosive at the top, focus on punching the weight up at the top

22-15-9 Overhead Squat @ 95#, Burpees: 8:31. I think the burpees were tougher on me than the OHS, just wasn't feeling it today. The OHS felt fairly good, need to work on the depth though with weight.



1. Warm Up: 30-20-10 Box Jumps, Push-ups, Squats
2. Strength: 1 RM Squat Clean
3. Stamina: 15 x Squat Cleans (90% 1RM), 50 x Squat Jumps, 50 x Weighted Sit-ups (45#),
4. Work Capacity: "JT": 21-15-9: HSPU, Ring Dip
1. rx'd
2. 185. PR by 20 pounds. This was the first time I've really felt good doing full squat cleans, and I could tell a huge difference, as shown by the big PR. Form felt great all the way up to 185. Tried for 190 but just couldn't get under it.
3. rx'd with 155# cleans, and 15# bar for the squat jumps.
4. 13 something. didn't finish. This didn't go well at all. I used 115# and did push press, but could only get through the first 2 rounds before my shoulders were crushed



Crossfit benchmark workout: Lynne (max bench @ bodyweight/max pull-ups, 5 rounds)
Total: 173...I'm sure this was the total, don't have the individual rounds written down but I think they went something like this:

Round 1: 12/25
2: 10/25
3: 9/26
4: 7/23
5: 6/21

Pleased with the pull-ups, but not so much with the bench. I guess that's what happens when you don't do it for ~2 months.


Pistols, BS, 500m row

Pistols: 10x each leg
Back Squat: 45 x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 225 x 1, 245 x 1, 255 x 1
500m row for time: 1:33.8
Fairly random workout today. Didn't have a set workout so we did some benchmark work. The pistols were fairly easy, didn't max out just wanted to see if I could do 10 each leg. I wasn't too disappointed with the back squat. It's not close to my max of 285 from when I was doing my SS workouts, but between this and the deadlifts earlier in the week it showed me that I need to implement more strength based workouts. I've kind of gone all or nothing since finishing SS, and it's definitely hurt my maximum strength. Need to work on finding more of a happy medium between pure Crossfit WODs and strength focused workouts.

The row felt great. I didn't initially plan on doing this, but got talked into it. I didn't think I was going to get anywhere close to this time, especially after the squats. Legs felt good going in, and I feel like I held a pretty good pace. The max I saw on the monitor was a 1:26/500m, which is a PR as far as that goes. I held right around a 40 stroke/min rate, which isn't ideal for a longer distance, but for a sprint I didn't feel bad about it. Immediately after I got done though I was absolutely shot though, pretty much collapsed off the rower.



Crossfit Benchmark workout: Karen

Warm-up: foam rolling, mobility

Workout: Karen - 150 wall ball shots for time
Time: 6:26 (full squat each rep, 20# ball to 10 foot target)

This was my first time doing this workout. Really pleased with the time. Using a med ball to gauge my squat depth made a big difference in the difficulty of the wall ball shots. I think previously I didn't squat down enough, which forced me to use a lot more arms, but with the full squat, I was able to get a lot more power and made them easier.


2k Row/Push-ups


2000m row
100 push-ups

For total time, and for 2k time
7:26 for the row
12:43 total time (5:17 push-ups)

This was the farthest I've ever rowed in a single session, and at an all out pace it was extremely hard. I started out too fast, my first 1000 was in ~3:30-5, and then the next 500 wasn't very good at all. I was able to get up for the last 500 but the middle one really brought my time down. Afterwards my quads were cramped up to the point that I couldn't straighten out to do the push-ups for a while, so the time for those was terrible. Basically what I got out of this was that I need to do some more longer rows, at least just to get used to it



Deadlift: -----------Press:
45 x 5 -------------45 x 5
135 x 5 ------------65 x 5
185 x 5 ------------95 x 5
225 x 5 ------------100 x 3
275 x 3 ------------105 x 3
295 x 3 ------------110 x 1
295 x 5 ------------115 x 1
--------------------120 x 1 (fail, twice)


Fight Gone Bad

Crossfit benchmark workout: Fight Gone Bad

Wall-balls: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump: 20″ box (Reps)
Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps)
Row: calories (Calories)

The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of “rotate”, the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
3 Rounds, total score: 327 (122, 101, 104). Not sure what the breakdown was for each exercise off the top of my head. This was my first time doing FGB and I really enjoyed it. The amount of rest in between rounds, and the variation of the exercises really let you go all out each time. In the end I was crushed, but felt fairly satisfied with my score.


AMRAP, Wall ball/Pull-Ups

AMRAP 20 minutes:
20 Wall ball shots (unbroken)
15 pull-ups

8 rounds + 20 wall ball. Tough workout. Took it easy the first few rounds hoping to get 10 rounds. Finished each round and then started the next one on 2 min, 4 min, etc. Got burned by the wall ball shots, my shoulders were fried by the end. Slowed down a lot more on the last few rounds


2x800, 4x400


Interval work

2x800 @ 6/mile pace
4x400 @ 6/mile pace

Squat, Shoulder Press


Back squat: 45x5, 95x5, 135x3, 185x3, 205x3, 225x3, 245

Shoulder Press: 45x5, 65x5, 95x3, 100x3, 105x3, 110, 115, 120


Tabata Sledge Swings/OHS

Tabata Overhead Squats/Sledgehammer swing
Score = total of lowest number for each round

45, using 45# for overhead squats

Round 1 (OHS): 10
Round 2 (swings):12
Round 3 (OHS): 11
Round 4 (swings) 12


KB Swings/Situps/Back Ext/KTE

5 rounds for time:
25 KB Swings (2 pood)
25 GHD Sit-ups
25 Back Extensions
25 Knees to Elbows

Time: 30:07. This was a fun workout. The KB swings went a lot better than I was expecting, but my core was dead. Using the 2 pood for the past few workouts is going to make a huge difference once when I have to do a workout with the 1.5, I only had to split the sets of 25 up into 13/12 typically, which I was very pleased with. After doing deadlifts yesterday, my lower back was a little tight. I tried to hold strict form on my back extensions and it made a huge difference. They were frying my hamstrings but my back didn't really feel terrible. Knees to elbows were tough but not terrible.

Triceps are very sore from yesterday, and probably going to be worse tomorrow. Not holding out any high hopes for my abs


Deadlift/HSPU, Short Met-con

Warm-up: 5 min jump rope, DROM drills
20 squats/30 push-ups/20 pull-ups
5 rounds of:
Deadlift, 3 reps
HSPU, max reps

315/27, 315/18, 315/15, 315/15, 315/15. HSPU done on box with hands on parallettes. Felt pretty good, got a really good shoulder workout
AMRAP 7 minutes (with a partner)
Sprint 50 m
7 KB Swings (2 pood)
7 DB Push Press (40#)

Finished 5 rounds each. By the last 2 sets I could barely lift the DBs for the push presses, my shoulders were shot.


Front Squat, Sledge Swings, KTE


Crossfit Football workout for today: 6 sets of 4 Front Squats. Followed by Tabata intervals of sledgehammer swings, knees to elbows, sledgehammer swings

Front Squats: 95, 135, 185, 175, 175, 175
Got 185 up without failing but it was a little heavy to finish out the workout with. The sets of 175 felt pretty good

Tabata intervals:
Sledgehammer swings (16#): 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 11, 11, 12
Knees to Elbows: 15, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 10
Sledgehammer swings (16#): 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 13, 14, 14

This workout destroyed my forearms. By the end of the knees to elbows I couldn't even hold onto the bar anymore. Combined with the sledgehammer swings, and I could barely use the pen to write down my reps. Rolled them out with a lacrosse ball after I got done though and they feel a lot better. The sledgehammer swings were a fun change of pace, overall an fairly hard workout, but fun.

Burpees/KB Swings


Partner workout, 7 rounds of 7 burpees/7 KB swings (2 pood). One person does a round while the other rests, and then switch off.

Time: 8:50 (for both people). The 2 pood swings were pretty hard, that's the first time I've ever used one for a workout. Burpees felt surprisingly good, or as good as burpees can be.


100m repeats, 4 miles

10 x 100m on a 35s clock. Averaged 16-18 seconds per repeat

4 mile run home: 27:45 (6:56 pace)

Push Press Death


Push Press: 1-10-1-20-1-30

135, 105, 145, 100, 145, 85.   Glad to get some extra shoulder work.  The set of 20 @ 100 was definitely the hardest, absolute killer.  Probably doing some running later



Max Push-ups in 2 minutes: 61, chest to deck.  Not very good, push-ups need work

Affiliate Workout


Today we did the final workout from the 2009 Crossfit Games Affiliate Cup

75 Squat Cleans-------------scaled to 50 (135#)
150 Toes-to-bar------------------------100
150 Box Jumps-------------------------100 (24")
75 Thrusters----------------------------50 (95#)
35 Muscle-ups--------------------------20
150 Burpees-----------------------------100
150 Double-unders---------------------100
300 Walking Lunges-------------------200 (35# plate overhead)

The workout was originally intended for teams of 4, but we scaled it back for a team of 3.  This was a great workout because of the variety.  I was able to do a few of something, and then when I got tired, I could switch over to something else, and just chip away at it that way.  Our team did pretty well.

I need to practice my double-unders, I could only get like 1 or 2 at a time and then smack myself in the back with the rope, it looks like somebody whipped me.  Same with the muscle-ups, I can get 1 pretty reliably, but not a lot more in quick succession



1. Warm Up: Sand Bag drills 10 minutes
2. Strength: Work to 1 RM Front Squat
3. Stamina: 4 Rounds: 4 x front squat @ 80% 1RM, Buddy Carry 100yds, Hip Mobility Drill
4. Work Capacity (Endurance): For Time: Run 2 miles. then 4 rounds [25 x pull-up, 50 x air
squat]. Row 2,000M.
5. Durability / Awareness: Yoga or Active stretch 10 minutes. Breath meditation 5 minutes (see
1. Just did regular CF warm-up, some shoulder mobility
2. 1rm = 215...pretty happy about this. Haven't front squatted in a LONG time
3. 3 rounds of 3 x front squat @ 185, farmer's walk with 2 x 55# KB, Hip Mobility Drill
4. ~30 minutes (watch malfunction). Didn't do the last 2000m row due to time constraints, so probably an add'l 8-9 minutes as rx'd.
5. rx'd. Active stretching, foam rolling, breathing exercises after I got home

As expected, another really tough workout. Still trying to get my pull-ups up to par so I don't have to partition them. Took me 2-3 sets on all rounds. The squats weren't terrible, got easier as I went on and started pacing myself better. Tomorrow's active recovery day is going to be great



1. Warm-up: Tabata Push-ups, Squats, Pull-ups
2. 5 rounds for time: 800m run, 30 wall ball (20#), 30 KB swings (55#)
3. 400m walking lunges, Active Stretch
1. rx'd: Push-ups (20, 20, 20, 16, 9, 14, 15, 9) Squats (20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 18, 19) Pull-ups
(8, 8, 8...stopped)
2. Scaled - 4 rounds: 800m row, 25 DB thrusters (20#), 25 KB swings (55#)
3. 200m walking lunges (130 steps)

Brutal...haven't done tabatas in a while so the push-ups killed me. Tried to pace myself to get 20 in each set, so I stopped short on the first few, but I'm gonna build up to it (20 for 8 sets is my ultimate goal). Squats weren't bad, I took the same approach but my legs were just tired by the end. Pull-ups were pretty bad, just wasn't feeling it and my hand's not quite up to it after tearing it last week.

The main workout was pretty hard, I scaled it back so it wouldn't take me an hour. I can definitely tell a difference in my fitness though, at least as far as how many thrusters/swings I could get without having to stop. Previously I could only get like 10 at a time but I'm up to 15 for the swings and I got the whole last set of thrusters with no stop.


Push Jerk, C&J, 400m

1. Warm-up: Bear Complex (Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press)
2. Work up to 1rm Push Jerk
3. AMRAP 20 minutes: 15 C&J (95#), 400m
4. 4 x 10 GHD sit-ups, 20 push-ups

1. 75, 85, 95
2. 1rm = 155
3. 5 rounds
4. rx'd

Shoulders were dead. Wasn't initially planning on doing this met-con, or I wouldn't have done all the bear reps and the push jerk. Oh well, still got a solid workout in