1. Warm Up: 30-20-10 Box Jumps, Push-ups, Squats
2. Strength: 1 RM Squat Clean
3. Stamina: 15 x Squat Cleans (90% 1RM), 50 x Squat Jumps, 50 x Weighted Sit-ups (45#),
4. Work Capacity: "JT": 21-15-9: HSPU, Ring Dip
1. rx'd
2. 185. PR by 20 pounds. This was the first time I've really felt good doing full squat cleans, and I could tell a huge difference, as shown by the big PR. Form felt great all the way up to 185. Tried for 190 but just couldn't get under it.
3. rx'd with 155# cleans, and 15# bar for the squat jumps.
4. 13 something. didn't finish. This didn't go well at all. I used 115# and did push press, but could only get through the first 2 rounds before my shoulders were crushed

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