Pistols, BS, 500m row

Pistols: 10x each leg
Back Squat: 45 x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 225 x 1, 245 x 1, 255 x 1
500m row for time: 1:33.8
Fairly random workout today. Didn't have a set workout so we did some benchmark work. The pistols were fairly easy, didn't max out just wanted to see if I could do 10 each leg. I wasn't too disappointed with the back squat. It's not close to my max of 285 from when I was doing my SS workouts, but between this and the deadlifts earlier in the week it showed me that I need to implement more strength based workouts. I've kind of gone all or nothing since finishing SS, and it's definitely hurt my maximum strength. Need to work on finding more of a happy medium between pure Crossfit WODs and strength focused workouts.

The row felt great. I didn't initially plan on doing this, but got talked into it. I didn't think I was going to get anywhere close to this time, especially after the squats. Legs felt good going in, and I feel like I held a pretty good pace. The max I saw on the monitor was a 1:26/500m, which is a PR as far as that goes. I held right around a 40 stroke/min rate, which isn't ideal for a longer distance, but for a sprint I didn't feel bad about it. Immediately after I got done though I was absolutely shot though, pretty much collapsed off the rower.

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