1. Warm Up: Sand Bag drills 10 minutes
2. Strength: Work to 1 RM Front Squat
3. Stamina: 4 Rounds: 4 x front squat @ 80% 1RM, Buddy Carry 100yds, Hip Mobility Drill
4. Work Capacity (Endurance): For Time: Run 2 miles. then 4 rounds [25 x pull-up, 50 x air
squat]. Row 2,000M.
5. Durability / Awareness: Yoga or Active stretch 10 minutes. Breath meditation 5 minutes (see
1. Just did regular CF warm-up, some shoulder mobility
2. 1rm = 215...pretty happy about this. Haven't front squatted in a LONG time
3. 3 rounds of 3 x front squat @ 185, farmer's walk with 2 x 55# KB, Hip Mobility Drill
4. ~30 minutes (watch malfunction). Didn't do the last 2000m row due to time constraints, so probably an add'l 8-9 minutes as rx'd.
5. rx'd. Active stretching, foam rolling, breathing exercises after I got home

As expected, another really tough workout. Still trying to get my pull-ups up to par so I don't have to partition them. Took me 2-3 sets on all rounds. The squats weren't terrible, got easier as I went on and started pacing myself better. Tomorrow's active recovery day is going to be great

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