1. Warm-up: Tabata Push-ups, Squats, Pull-ups
2. 5 rounds for time: 800m run, 30 wall ball (20#), 30 KB swings (55#)
3. 400m walking lunges, Active Stretch
1. rx'd: Push-ups (20, 20, 20, 16, 9, 14, 15, 9) Squats (20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 18, 19) Pull-ups
(8, 8, 8...stopped)
2. Scaled - 4 rounds: 800m row, 25 DB thrusters (20#), 25 KB swings (55#)
3. 200m walking lunges (130 steps)

Brutal...haven't done tabatas in a while so the push-ups killed me. Tried to pace myself to get 20 in each set, so I stopped short on the first few, but I'm gonna build up to it (20 for 8 sets is my ultimate goal). Squats weren't bad, I took the same approach but my legs were just tired by the end. Pull-ups were pretty bad, just wasn't feeling it and my hand's not quite up to it after tearing it last week.

The main workout was pretty hard, I scaled it back so it wouldn't take me an hour. I can definitely tell a difference in my fitness though, at least as far as how many thrusters/swings I could get without having to stop. Previously I could only get like 10 at a time but I'm up to 15 for the swings and I got the whole last set of thrusters with no stop.

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