1RM Press, Team Workout

1. 1RM Press: Worked up to 125#
2. Team Workout (with a partner): 12:24
4x200 each
100 Wall ball @ 20#, while partner holds a handstand. Switch at failure of either
100 Back Squat @ 95#, while partner does knees to elbows. Switch at failure

The press tied my PR, which was back when I was doing SS, so I guess that's a small plus. But I'm kind of disappointed I haven't made any progress since then. Press is definitely my weakest lift, and even though I've tried to add in some additional work, it hasn't made much difference. Need to add some more overhead stuff, not really sure what though.

Not sure exactly what the time was on the team workout, somewhere around 12:24. My overhead weakness got me on this one too, felt good in the first handstand, but collapsed the second time. Ended up switching over to holding 40# DB overhead

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