KB Swings/Situps/Back Ext/KTE

5 rounds for time:
25 KB Swings (2 pood)
25 GHD Sit-ups
25 Back Extensions
25 Knees to Elbows

Time: 30:07. This was a fun workout. The KB swings went a lot better than I was expecting, but my core was dead. Using the 2 pood for the past few workouts is going to make a huge difference once when I have to do a workout with the 1.5, I only had to split the sets of 25 up into 13/12 typically, which I was very pleased with. After doing deadlifts yesterday, my lower back was a little tight. I tried to hold strict form on my back extensions and it made a huge difference. They were frying my hamstrings but my back didn't really feel terrible. Knees to elbows were tough but not terrible.

Triceps are very sore from yesterday, and probably going to be worse tomorrow. Not holding out any high hopes for my abs

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